Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This Week: Friday Night Dry!

To the extent of my knowledge, most people (especially in college) enjoy doing things on the weekend. People like to be entertained, and students at SMC are certainly no exception. Fortunately for us, Burlington and the surrounding area is a pretty bumpin' place! There are restaurants and venues downtown and in Winooski, there's Higher Ground for shows and events, there are tons of outdoor hikes and trips with the Wilderness Program, and skiing in the winter; and these are just to name a few!

But you don't always want to leave campus on the weekends, and luckily SMC has the cure for that as well. Almost every weekend, there are shows and open-mic nights on North Campus in Purtill Hall, at a venue we call Turtle Underground (I wish I knew where the name came from, but I don't). I can't say I'm a Turtle regular, but I enjoy the occasional venture up to North on a Firday night for a jam sesh and *usually* some free food. It's definitely a good time.

Another thing which is an absolute constant on the weekends is the Friday and Saturday night grill. Every weekend in the quad, including the winter, there's a grill set up from 11pm grilling burgers, dogs, occasionally veggie burgers, and sometimes (to the utmost excitement of the student body), chicken patties. It's a great time and people love it, plus FREE FOOD.

So as you can see, there's ton's going on! And this coming weekend will be even better (I'm hoping you can't wait to hear why ;p).

This weekend is Friday Knight Dry! (YAYYYYYY!) This means a few things, but the coolest thing it means is that there are even MORE activities going on around campus to get into. There will be stuff in the residence halls, prizes in Alliot, and, the part I'm pumped for, school clubs get to host an activity of their choice. What does this mean for you SMC students? Good question!

It means that this Friday, at 8pm, you can come swing by Eddie's in Alliot to chill with Common Ground and watch a movie! The movie? Rocky Horror Picture Show. Can you dress up? Most definitely. Will it be a great time? Without a doubt!

So remember: Friday Night Dry, Alliot, 8pm, Tim Curry, lots of fun ;)

Thanks for reading!

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